Yoga Teacher Training in Kathmandu

To the world, if you seeking for transformation and a peaceful career change, seeking for the sustainable and respectful career option here is best for you, “yoga teacher training in Kathmandu”. Yoga Teacher Training 200 hours can equip you to be the professional yoga instructor and deepen your knowledge of yoga, deepen self-practice and develop the healing art of yoga.
Nepal has been a remarkable milestone in the life of many yogis thus we have a perfect blend of authentic and professional courses to reach out to the mass around the world. At Nepal yoga academy we serve you with 200 hours of teachers training and other extensive yoga courses to sharpen your skills and provide the best to your career.
Yoga Teacher Training in Kathmandu
We are situated in the terrains of Himalaya and provide you the best yoga teachers training course in Nepal. Peaceful environment, beautiful mountains around, many holistic places around make it the best place to practice yoga and building your skills, we believe in serving you the true essence of yoga, our team has best yoga teacher in Nepal we have award-winning teachers with us to facilitate you with your journey as a yoga teacher.

We have internationally certified US alliance and Australian alliance course with us covering the Asthanga yoga, hatha yoga, yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy and physiology, brief discourse on various forms of yoga like karma yoga, Gyan yoga, mantra yoga, raja yoga, kriya yoga, and kundalini yoga. Our classes are designed in such a way to create ease for the fresh students as well. Yoga teachers training course in Nepal can help you to deepen the knowledge of yoga.
This course is a residential course embodied with all basic facilities beautiful and clean accommodation, freshly cooked food, homely environment and experienced faculties that make it unique from others. One batch consists of a maximum of 14 students and we seek to give a personal touch to every student to clear their concepts. Although we are situated in the foothills of Himalayas we are approachable to the main cities like Kathmandu and Bhaktapur and there are many other sight scenes and UNESCO world heritage sites to soak yourself more to the Nepali culture and bring traditional essence in your life
Day at Nepal yoga academy starts with various satkarmas (cleansing), Pranayam, mantra chanting, yoga asana, bandas, mudras which is followed by the theory classes at afternoon which is deliberately designed for the beginners to learn and understand the true essence of yoga which is way more than the asana, here we cover the different philosophy of yoga in the different ancient scriptures, like Patanjali Yog darshan, Hatha paradipika.
Key benefits of Yoga Teacher Training
Nepal teacher’s training takes you through the essential components required to expand and enhance your yoga practice as well as be able to lead students through their practice confidently. Our expert teachers will guide you from the fundamental stages of teaching with ease. We have designed four weeks of 200 hours yoga teachers training courses in such a way to create learning very easy and adaptable to every level of students to get maximum benefits out of their stay at the Nepal yoga academy.
At every fourth week, we conclude the course with the self-assessments and self-practice to sharpen teaching skills, practicing hands-on adjustments and demonstrating the workshops on various new postures. And the most fascinating experience is the graduation day where we complete the true yogi in you through physical graduation completing 108 sun salutations, certificate distribution regarded as academic qualification and offering holistic rituals to all sadhgurus.
Join our Yoga Teacher Training Course and improve your Career into the world of yoga. Enroll Today!.