What is Youth?

The age range for youth can vary, but it often includes individuals between the ages of 15 to 24 or 18 to 35, depending on the context and the purpose of the definition. However, definitions can sometimes extend to include individuals up to the age of 29 or even 39, especially in discussions related to policies, education, and social services.

Youth is characterized by a transitional phase marked by physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. During this period, individuals experience significant changes in identity, relationships, responsibilities, and aspirations as they navigate the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Youth is a time of exploration and self-discovery, during which individuals seek to establish their identity, values, beliefs, and goals. They may explore different interests, career paths, relationships, and ideologies as they shape their sense of self and purpose.

Youth is often seen as a period of both opportunities and challenges. While young people may have access to education, employment opportunities, and resources for personal growth, they also face various challenges such as unemployment, poverty, discrimination, mental health issues, and social inequalities.

Youth are considered agents of change and active participants in society. They play a crucial role in shaping social, economic, political, and cultural dynamics through their activism, advocacy, creativity, innovation, and engagement in community development initiatives.

Potential of Youth Energy?

The potential of youth is boundless, a force of innovation, resilience, and untapped talent poised to shape the world. With their fresh perspectives, boundless energy, and eagerness to explore, young people possess the capacity to drive positive change across communities and continents. They bring forth creativity, fueled by their dreams and aspirations, propelling them to push boundaries, challenge norms, and envision bold futures.

As the torchbearers of tomorrow, youth hold the power to pioneer solutions to pressing global challenges, harnessing technology, empathy, and collaboration to build inclusive societies and sustainable environments. Their potential is not merely a promise for the future, but a present reality waiting to be unlocked, nurtured, and celebrated.

Challenges of Youth Energy?

Indeed, while the potential of youth is immense, their energy can sometimes be susceptible to diversion. With a myriad of distractions and influences in today’s interconnected world, young people may find themselves veering off course, channeling their vitality into pursuits that do not align with their long-term goals or values. Peer pressure, societal expectations, and the allure of instant gratification can tempt them away from their aspirations, leading to missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential.

However, by providing the right guidance, support, and opportunities for self-discovery and growth, we can help steer youth towards paths that harness their energy for constructive purposes. Through mentorship, education, and fostering a nurturing environment that encourages self-reflection and resilience, we can empower young individuals to stay focused, resilient, and purpose-driven as they navigate the complexities of youth and chart their course towards a fulfilling future.

Where is the youth energy directed globally?

Positive Direction

  • Social activism and advocacy: for causes such as environmental sustainability and social justice.
  • Academic pursuits: aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills, and qualifications for future success.
  • Career aspirations and efforts: towards skill development, job searching, and professional networking.
  • Engagement in community service: volunteer work, and civic participation to make a positive impact on society.
  • Personal growth and self-discovery: through activities such as self-reflection, goal setting, and developing emotional intelligence.
  • Building and maintaining positive relationships: with friends, family, and mentors, fostering a supportive network.
  • Pursuing: hobbies, interests, and creative outlets that provide fulfillment and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Mental health and well-being practices: including self-care, stress management, and seeking support when needed.
  • Utilizing technology and social media: for educational purposes, networking, and staying informed about current events.
  • Embracing diversity: inclusion, and cultural exchange to foster understanding and empathy within communities.

Negative Direction

  • Excessive use of social media and technology: leading to addiction, distraction, and negative impacts on mental health.
  • Engagement in risky behaviors: such as substance abuse, reckless driving, or participating in dangerous challenges.
  • Peer pressure and involvement: in activities that go against personal values or societal norms.
  • Academic pressure: leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout, resulting in academic dishonesty or disengagement from learning.
  • Unhealthy relationships: characterized by manipulation, abuse, or codependency, resulting in emotional harm.
  • Escapism: through excessive consumption of entertainment media or engagement in avoidance behaviors.
  • Neglecting personal well-being: by ignoring physical health, hygiene, or neglecting responsibilities.
  • Cyberbullying: online harassment, or participation in online hate groups, perpetuating harm and negativity.
  • Disengagement from community: involvement or apathy towards social issues, leading to a lack of civic responsibility.
  • Resistance to change: closed-mindedness, or unwillingness to consider diverse perspectives, hindering personal and societal growth.
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): The fear of missing out on social events, experiences, and opportunities can drive young people to constantly seek validation and approval from their peers. This fear of missing out (FOMO) can lead to a compulsive need to stay connected, stay busy, and constantly seek external validation, which can be exhausting and unsustainable in the long run.
  • Pressure to Conform and Follow Trends: In today’s hyperconnected world, there’s often pressure to conform to societal norms and follow trends, even if they don’t align with one’s true values or aspirations. This pressure to fit in can lead young people to adopt behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles that may not be authentic or fulfilling, ultimately leading to a sense of emptiness and disconnection.

In Context of Nepal

  • Poor Parenting: Due to the lack of education and understanding, parents have high expectations from their children when they grow older but they lack in helping them build the foundation for their growth and development. This pressure on the young is increasing day by day this may lead them into stress and anxiety. This blocks the unlocking of the potential of the youth.
  • Pessimistic Point of View: Youth in Nepal are facing so much unemployment because of the poor economic and political situation. Most of the youth are abroad searching for the opportunity for money and study. Because of this, mentality in youth is set in such a way that they are conditioned to blame the government and political leaders only for their condition. But they lack the thinking that by the improvement of youth only improvement of the nation is possible. They should remove this pessimistic point of view and they should learn to see another view that if they want they can learn and grow themselves and make a better tomorrow. Their immense power and potential is to be grown for the sake of society and nation. And it is only possible by their personal growth. They should understand this and work on themselves, by this growth comes to the society and nation as a by-product.
  • Overspending Time in Relationship: From a very young age there has been a trend to find opposite partners not knowing its consequences in the future. At this fragile age of growth, their energy is completely drawn to the fulfillment of emotional and sexual needs. This leads to the destruction of the energy. Most of the young are seeking this temporary pleasure, and this leads them into peer pressure and uncertainty when they face the consequences of this.
  • Suppression and Fear: Society has certain norms and rules. Whoever goes against it or whoever challenges its ways of functioning is to be drawn back by society. Many youth, because of lack of education and understanding they don’t become able to develop a great deal of courage and strength to speak and express themselves. This leads them to the feeling of guilt and poor strength.

How Yoga spirituality helps to tackle these problems?

Spirituality provides youth with a deeper understanding of their place in the world and a sense of connection to something greater than themselves. By exploring spiritual teachings and practices, young individuals gain insight into universal truths and timeless wisdom that transcends cultural, religious, and philosophical boundaries. This broader perspective can help youth navigate life’s challenges with resilience, faith, and a sense of purpose, knowing that they are part of a larger, interconnected web of existence.

Furthermore, the pursuit of self-knowledge empowers youth to understand their strengths, weaknesses, values, and aspirations on a deeper level. By engaging in introspection, self-reflection, and self-inquiry, young people gain clarity about their goals and priorities, enabling them to make informed decisions and align their actions with their authentic selves. For example, a teenager struggling with peer pressure and self-esteem issues may find solace and guidance through yoga and meditation practices, which provide them with tools to cultivate self-love, confidence, and resilience. As they deepen their understanding of themselves and their innermost desires, they become better equipped to resist negative influences and make choices that honor their well-being and values. Thus, yoga, spirituality, and self-knowledge serve as powerful guides for youth, helping them navigate the complexities of life with wisdom, grace, and authenticity.

Importance of guidance for Youth Energy

Young people possess boundless energy, creativity, and potential, but without proper guidance, this precious resource can easily be misdirected or squandered. A simple distraction, a moment of uncertainty, or peer pressure can lead youth astray, diverting their energy towards unproductive or even harmful pursuits.

Guidance at a young age is essential for channeling youth energy into productive and creative pathways. It provides young individuals with the support, mentorship, and wisdom they need to navigate the complexities of life and make informed choices. Through guidance, youth learn to identify their strengths, passions, and values, enabling them to set meaningful goals and pursue their aspirations with clarity and purpose.

Moreover, guidance instills important life skills such as resilience, critical thinking, and self-discipline, equipping youth with the tools they need to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of challenges. By fostering a sense of self-awareness and self-confidence, guidance empowers youth to resist negative influences and make choices that align with their personal values and long-term goals.

Without guidance, there is a tremendous risk of losing the potential of youth energy into something unworthy or destructive. Aimless pursuits, harmful behaviors, and wasted opportunities may become the norm, depriving society of the contributions and innovations that young people are capable of making.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon parents, educators, mentors, and communities to provide guidance and support to young individuals, helping them unlock their full potential and become positive agents of change in the world. By investing in the holistic development of youth and guiding them towards productive and creative outlets for their energy, we can nurture a generation of empowered, resilient, and compassionate individuals who will shape a brighter future for themselves and society as a whole.

Importance of this program?

The youth empowerment program plays a crucial role in guiding young individuals towards recognizing and harnessing their immense potential for positive change. By providing the necessary knowledge, guidance, and support, the program empowers youth to navigate the complexities of life and channel their energy into productive and creative pathways. Through a holistic approach that addresses physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects, the program equips young people with essential life skills, fosters self-awareness, and promotes personal growth and development. By instilling values such as resilience, empathy, and social responsibility, the program prepares youth to become active, engaged citizens who contribute meaningfully to society. Moreover, by creating a supportive and inclusive environment where young individuals feel valued, understood, and empowered, the program cultivates a sense of belonging and connectedness, enabling youth to thrive and fulfill their potential. Overall, the youth empowerment program serves as a catalyst for transformative change, empowering young individuals to become confident, compassionate, and capable leaders who shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

How does this Program Help?

Our diverse range of yoga programs within the Youth Empowerment initiative aims to provide comprehensive support to young individuals, helping them navigate the challenges they face and channel their energy into positive directions. Through practices such as asana, pranayama, and meditation, as well as awareness on food and lifestyle, we foster holistic personal health encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By developing social harmony and positive emotional relationships, youth are equipped with the tools to thrive in their interactions with others and contribute positively to society. These programs are organized across various platforms, including mass gatherings and educational institutions, to reach a wide audience and inspire transformative change. Ultimately, our diverse range of yoga programs empowers youth to cultivate clarity, resilience, and a positive mindset, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives and make meaningful contributions to their communities.

Our Empowering Programs

Our diverse range of yoga and wellness programs promote physical, mental, and emotional health and establish balance in youth.

Practical Workshops and Seminars

These include Asana Practice Sessions and Breathing and Meditation Workshops to enhance well-being.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Seminars

Educate on healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices.

Social Harmony Programs

Foster interpersonal skills and community well-being.

School and College Integrations

Extend our reach by incorporating programs into educational curricula.

Integrated Health Seminars

Combine physical exercises and mindfulness practices for comprehensive health improvements.

Note: We can customize the program and activities as per your need. Contact us for more details.

Frequently asked questions
